Miss Utility

Buried utilities are more reliable and because they aren’t seen, more attractive than those installed above ground. In this age of increasing need for data, buried lines are more prolific than ever. More expensive to repair too. Sign Crafters has a simple rule. We never, ever dig without calling Miss Utility and waiting for a cleared ticket. In over twenty years we still maintain a perfect record of causing no damage that was due to our negligence. This doesn’t mean that there haven’t been incidents but those we have had were due to the negligence of others. The potential for hitting buried lines is our number one safety and financial risk. Sign Crafters provides white flags for agents to mark their preferred sign locations. When we know that the site has been flagged we call Miss Utility that same day. This helps us to help you by getting the sign in place faster and in the area requested.
Flagging The Sign Location
Please Use The White Sign Crafters flags that we provide. Two reasons for this. White is the color that Miss Utility has designated for marking the excavation area. When we are told that a location is flagged we tell Miss Utility to look for our White Sign Crafters flags. If the locators see some other color flags they will assume that the site is not marked correctly and will cancel the ticket. Other colors may be used for marking utilities which can lead to confusion.
Marking sign locations for properties with a physical building with a posted address are by far and away the easiest for us to describe to Miss Utility.
The next easiest would be signs on a specific corner.
The hardest locations are for undeveloped land with no posted address. Please look for things that will help us describe the location to Miss Utility. Directly across the street from a building with a posted address or maybe so many feet from a cross street. Sign Crafters looks up every sign location on Google before calling Miss Utility. This helps us to know as much as possible about explaining the sign location.
When you flag a sign location you are not just showing our installers where you want the sign. We are the last ones to come to the site. As many as eight or nine locators will come before us. You are marking the site for them too.
Please don’t report that a location is flagged when it isn’t. Those same eight to nine locators will come to the site looking for the flags. If they don’t see them they may cancel the ticket due to unclear marking instructions.
Drawings showing how a property will look once it is developed are of little value unless they have existing streets and/or cross streets that will help pinpoint where the sign should be installed.
Marked up Google images are great if they include a physical reference of something that is existing.
Thank you for helping to keep our employees safe!